1st2 Achieve Training aims to provide a healthy, safe and well-being welfare environment for all its staff, visitors, business associates and learners always. In doing this, 1st2 Achieve Training will endeavour to prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health, ensuring that all equipment is safe and regularly maintained and that any substances are handled safely and by COSHH regulations.
To achieve this, each staff member will ensure the required standards are applied and met. Adequate and appropriate information and training will be provided to all staff, ensuring that a healthy and safe environment is continuously maintained for staff, learners, business associates, and visitors.
'Wellbeing' is about people's experience of their quality of life, including their working life. We know that 'good work' is good for health and wellbeing and among other things, this is work that's healthy, safe, supportive and accommodates people's needs.
It is important to stay healthy and know the right way to treat your body. Staying healthy physically can help you stay healthy emotionally too. If you are eating the right food and keeping fit, your body will be strong and help you to cope with stress and fight illness.
As large parts of employees' lives are spent at work, employers can and should play an important role in helping them achieve better quality working lives and the occupational safety and health community can help support improved wellbeing at work.
This policy is a continual working document and will be reviewed and revised as necessary alongside the annual Health and Safety Audit Checklist (Appendix A); as a minimum, it should be reviewed annually with all other 1st2 Achieve Training Policies.
The scope of this policy encompasses all offices, training venues, employers operated by 1st2 Achieve Training. There are also procedures in place and guidelines for the Health and Safety of learning taking place within environments provided by 1st2 Achieve Training Partners. Furthermore, facilities offered by a third party should be used in accordance with their Health and Safety Policy. In all cases, existing local health and safety regulations should be considered when preparing procedures specific to 1st2 Achieve Training. Certain health and safety matters reside with the host landlord (NutriCulture). Normally these include:
Fire instructions
Evacuation procedures and assembly points
Firefighting appliances
Fire drills and tests
1st2 Achieve Training acknowledges the importance of its employees and learners and is committed to providing a working environment which is managed in a way that minimises risk to health and promotes positive wellbeing.
1st2 Achieve Training recognises wellbeing as an important factor in the job satisfaction of its employees. It is therefore a highly relevant management issue.
1st2 Achieve will promote the health and wellbeing of its employees and learners through its management policies, support services, information networks, and by means of health promotion campaigns.
This policy applies to both mental and physical health with the clear aim of:
Identifying areas of risk to health so that they can be minimised and managed appropriately.
Promoting a culture of positive well-being for all stakeholders, including members of staff and students.
Putting in place a system of management practice and controls that enable employees to enjoy a healthy work-life balance whilst recognising the impact of personal choice and lifestyle.
Employees are not, in general, obliged to divulge detailed information about the state of their health to their employer unless they contract an infectious disease that may pose a risk to others. It is, however, in their interest to inform 1st2 Achieve Training of any disability or ill health which may adversely impact their ability to carry out the role for which they have been employed, and they are strongly encouraged to do so for reasonable steps to be taken to enable them to continue with their work or Apprenticeship.
Health and Well-being Responsibilities
Are strongly encouraged to inform their tutor or training assessor as soon as possible after diagnosis if they are suffering from a medical condition or disability that affects or is likely to affect their ability to carry out the studies for which they have enrolled, so that reasonable steps can be taken to identify and implement suitable support.
Are strongly encouraged to report to their tutor or training assessor, any person about whom they have concerns with respect to their physical or mental wellbeing.
Will take reasonable care of their own health and wellbeing and be mindful of how other persons may be affected by their acts or omissions at work.
Will not knowingly or willingly do anything which may have an adverse health and wellbeing impact on others.
Are strongly encouraged to inform the university as soon as possible after diagnosis, if they are suffering from a medical condition or disability that affects or is likely to affect their ability to carry out the role for which they have been employed so that reasonable adjustments can be identified and implemented
Senior Managers and Leaders
Will monitor the implementation of controls and liaise with the employees concerned to ensure they are both suitable and sufficient.
Will ensure that controls are maintained.
Will monitor working hours, overtime and holidays to encourage individuals to take the breaks they are entitled to throughout the working day, and to take the rest days owed to them.
Will monitor workload to ensure allocated tasks are capable of being completed within the time allocated and are within the competency of the relevant employee.
Will ensure that employees receive appropriate training and resources to carry out their duties and that staff are provided with appropriate developmental opportunities.
Change for Life MIND
Health and Safety Applicable Legislation
General health and safety advice can be obtained from our Health & Safety Officer, Karen Upton. Additional advice, online publications and information are available from the Health and Safety Executive website (
Some of the specific legislation that applies to this organisation includes:
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1992
Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992
Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992
Noise at Work Regulations 1989
Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 1999
Overall responsibility for health and safety matters rests with 1st2 Achieve Training’s Head of Quality – Michelle Edwards. Day-to-Day responsibility for ensuring the policy is put into practice is delegated to our Business Support Team Leader, who has relevant Health and Safety qualifications, this responsibility for being the Health & Safety Officer is in their individual job description. Issues brought to the attention of Karen will be reported directly to the Head of Quality.
1st2 Achieve Training Employees have equal responsibility for ensuring that the 1st2 Achieve Training’s Health & Safety policy is adhered to and for notifying the Health and Safety Officer of any actual/potential issues. Staff should consult with the Health & Safety Officer on any matters that affect this policy.
Statutory notices are to be displayed detailing our Health & Safety Officer and local authority contact. The Health and Safety Officer is to ensure that these notices are prominently displayed at our trading site, Unit 4, Paddock Road, Skelmersdale, WN8 9PL.
Employers’ and Public Liability Insurance is required to cover our operations at all sites. This is arranged annually with other forms of insurance. However, the Health & Safety Officer is to ensure that adequate coverage is maintained at all times and that certificates of insurance are prominently displayed at each site.
All staff are required to work in a safe way, and this includes ensuring fire exits are kept clear, boxes are stored safely, and desk areas are kept clean and tidy.
All staff have a responsibility to ensure the kitchen area is kept clean and tidy; any food left on a Friday will be disposed of to avoid the potential for contamination and infestation; this is also the responsibility of the building landlord.
Staff should inform the Health and Safety Officer if any risks are identified that cannot be controlled immediately, e.g. tripping hazards, faulty equipment etc.
Risk Assessments for both 1st2 Achieve Training’s premises will be undertaken by each Team Leader for their team and feedback to the Health and Safety Officer annually, the Health and Safety Officer will collate this information to form a centralised assessment. This will also take place if the office environment significantly changes.
Findings of these risk assessments will be reported with recommended actions or controls to the Director for approval. The approved recommended actions are then identified on the H&S Action Plan, which is reviewed quarterly. The risk assessment report will be made available to all staff together with the plan of action to reduce the risks identified. The Health and Safety Officer will implement changes and review them accordingly.
As part of the overall assessment, the Health and Safety Officer must also carry out COSHH Assessments and a separate Fire Risk Assessment; the procedure for actions arising from this are as with the full premises risk assessment. In addition to a Fire Assessment, the Health and Safety Officer must ensure adequate controls are maintained; this includes:
Ensuring all escape routes are clear and accessible
Fire Extinguishers are accessible and adequately maintained (Serviced Annually by Landlord)
Fire Drill is carried out (To be done bi-annually with results and any required actions documented)
To assist with Fire prevention and action in the case of emergency, 1st2 Achieve Training’s Data and Compliance Manager, Chloe Halliday, will also act as fire marshal, or in the event of their absence, the Business Support Team Leader, Karen Upton, will act as the fire marshal. In the event of a fire, sound the fire alarm and evacuate the building in line with the instructions displayed on the ‘In the event of a fire poster’. The Fire Marshal will check that the office is clear, doors and windows are shut (if possible) and that any persons unaccounted for are reported to a Health & Safety Officer or Senior Management Team member who is on-site.
Annual testing of fire equipment and weekly fire drills are undertaken by the landlord (NutriCulture) in the main office.
Issues relating to health and safety can be reported by any member of staff directly to the Health & Safety Officer. 1st2 Achieve Training holds an Accident Folder, which complies with the GDPR of 2018 and HSE guidelines. All accidents and near misses are recorded and details are stored; accordingly, these are then reviewed regularly by the H&S committee. If required 1st2 Achieve, Training will report incidents reportable under RIDDOR to both the HSE and the ESFA. Where 1st2 Achieve Training is a sub-contractor, we will report to the Prime Contractor. For more information on RIDDOR go to
Reports will be made using the following specified forms:
Reports to the ESFA will be made using either
Learner Incident Record (All reports other than diseases)
Learner Incident Record – Report of a Case of Disease (Diseases only)
Reports to HSE under RIDDOR will be made via the HSE online forms,, using either
F2508 – Report of an injury
F2508A – Report of a case of disease
For serious incidents, the Health & Safety Officer is responsible for conducting an initial investigation and reporting the matter, together with recommendations, to the Senior Management Team. This report should be submitted within three working days, where practicable. Otherwise an interim verbal report may be given pending the final report.
Currently, are there are restricted numbers of staff on-site we have decided not to appoint a qualified First Aider. It has been agreed by the Senior Management Team that a senior member will be on-site deal who has the capacity to dial 999 and make the necessary decisions. The Health and Safety Officer, Karen Upton, has been appointed to take responsibility in the event of an accident, to ensure that the First Aid box is kept up to date and has an adequate range of appropriate supplies and that the Accident Book is completed when required.
All staff will undertake a DSE risk assessment to prevent conditions such as RSI developing, upon joining 1st2 Achieve Training, or when their desk is moved or significantly altered. Results of this assessment will determine if additional equipment needs to be provided such as a footrest.
Trainers undertaking any teaching and learning activities have responsibility for day-to-day health and safety issues within their learning venue and for ensuring that their learners are aware of 1st2 Achieve Training’s Health & Safety Policy via their induction. All learning taking place at either 1st2 Achieve Training Facility or external venues (including partner-provided sites) should only commence the following completion of a trainer checklist and risk assessment form – this risk assessment provides a basis for a healthy and safe learning environment and any issues identified should be raised with the Health and Safety Officer.
Lone working means working in an environment where no other member of staff is available. The team must complete a Lone Worker Risk Assessment when joining 1st2 Achieve Training, changing job role significantly or any changes to company working practices.
Where it is necessary to work alone, every precaution should be taken to minimise the potential risks: -
Ensure someone knows you are working alone and when you are expected to return home.
Ensure that someone knows what to do if you do not return home at your expected time.
Ensure you have access to a telephone for emergency calls or that your mobile phone is fully charged and has coverage for the area where you are working.
Try to ensure that public access to where you are working alone is restricted or barred completely.
Do not let strangers into the area you are working alone.
Have a personal alarm with you for use in an emergency
Avoid activities that may be risky or that should not be undertaken alone.
Consider asking for an additional person to be available.
1st2 Achieve Training’s office/training environments present a low risk of electrical hazards. Staff should, however, report any electrical faults immediately to the Health & Safety Officer. Staff are encouraged to regularly review office appliances for any obvious faults such as loose wires etc.
All 1st2 Achieve Training’s portable appliances will be tested and maintained by the HSE PAT guidance. For more information, go to This is monitored by our landlord, Nutriculture, and overseen by Karen Upton (Health and Safety Officer.
All staff members have a responsibility to use electrical equipment safely, and by the instructions and training they have been given, they are also required to carry out visual checks and notify the Health & Safety Officer of any issues.
Manual handling includes such tasks as moving office and training room furniture, moving paper and archive boxes, moving equipment, unloading from cars etc.
All staff must follow good practices for lifting. No member of staff must attempt to lift, carry, or manoeuvre any item if they are unsure how to do so safely.
Infectious Diseases and Infestations
Staff are encouraged to inform their Line Manager if they have an infectious disease to ensure other staff members or learners are not put at risk.
Any member of staff identifying a cause for concern regarding anyone showing signs of infectious disease, specifically COVID-19 or infestation, should inform the Head of Quality.
All contractors must report to the Data and Compliance Manager or other designated staff member and must ensure they have the appropriate insurance and safe methods of work etc., in place
Staff members must ensure that all visitors report to reception and sign in and out the building.
All 1st2 Achieve Training’s employees’ job descriptions will include a statement of Health and Safety responsibility in line with their position within the organisation. As part of their staff induction, all new members of staff will receive Health & Safety training within one month of starting employment with 1st2 Achieve Training. The Health & Safety Officer with the Senior Leadership Team will coordinate this training. Further training on specific health & safety issues will be given to staff throughout the year, and initial health & safety training given at induction will be revised annually.
All new employees will receive a staff handbook which includes statements on Health and Safety within the organisation, this forms part of their terms and conditions of employment.
The Health and Safety Officer is to receive appropriate formal training to perform these duties. Senior management should also undertake health and safety training appropriate for their duties. Training needs are to be reviewed regularly or as required by changes to legislation.
1st2 Achieve Training will monitor the policy annually as part of our self-evaluation arrangements; amendment and review may also be in response to feedback requests or good practice guidance issued by Regulators to align with their appeals and complaints process.
The Senior Leadership Team and the 1ST2 Achieve Training Quality & Standards Board have approved the policy.
The policy will be reviewed annually unless circumstances require the policy to be reviewed earlier.
Board signatory: T M Cartwright