The aim of 1st2 Achieve Training (hereunder referred to as "The Company") is to provide and maintain an environment where young people, vulnerable adults, and all learners (hereunder referred to as "Learner(s)"), regardless of –
feel secure and safe, are encouraged to talk and are heard.
The Company is committed to ensuring learners know that staff at any of our teaching premises can be approached if they are worried or have any concerns. 1st2 Achieve Training will provide opportunities throughout the learning programme for Learners to develop the skills they need to stay safe, healthy and recognise abuse and harmful behaviours.
1st2 Achieve Training will:
Ensure we practise safe recruitment in checking the suitability of staff, service providers and volunteers to work with learners through implementing Enhanced DBS checks.
Develop staff to identify and respond to potential indicators of abuse, neglect, harmful behaviours and safeguarding concerns among learners.
Work with safeguarding organisations and agencies to raise awareness of safeguarding issues.
Prohibit tutors from visiting learners at home even if the learner cannot visit a training site due to COVID.
Raise learner awareness of health, safety and safeguarding issues, equipping learners with the skills needed to keep them safe.
Follow and adhere to the Keeping Children Safe in Education September 2022 (https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1101454/Keeping_children_safe_in_education_2022.pdf, Department for Education, 1st September 2022).
Implement procedures for identifying and reporting cases, or suspected cases, of abuse and harmful behaviours.
Where necessary, work with safeguarding organisations and interagency frameworks to support learners who have been abused per their agreed protection plan.
By implementing and embedding our safeguarding policies and procedures within all learner processes, we shall establish a safe, stable, and secure environment where learners can learn, develop, and feel valued.
Respond appropriately to allegations against staff, service users and other adults.
Whilst it is expected that all staff of 1st2 Achieve Training will accept personal responsibility for the practical application of the policy, lead responsibility for its implementation will rest with the Director and Senior Leadership team responsible for Safeguarding Learner Protection and Welfare. Our Designated Safeguarding Lead, Michelle Edwards, Head of Quality & Curriculum, can be contacted by email at safeguarding@1st2achieve.co.uk or by telephone at 0330 165 5099. The number is monitored 24/7, 365 days a year. We promote our Safeguarding contact details in our email footers and ID cards, which also identify external referral agencies to signpost apprentices, employers, staff, and family members.
We have one deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead:
Kelly McKeon, AEB Operations Team Leader, safeguarding@1st2achieve.co.uk, 0330 165 5099
The DSLs are supported by a team of four Designated Safeguarding Officers:
Julia Goode, Operations & Quality Manager - Apps, safeguarding@1st2achieve.co.uk, 0330 165 5099
Lee Gallagher, Construction Tutor, safeguarding@1st2achieve.co.uk, 0330 165 5099
Lisa Green, Operations & Quality Manager – Apps H&B, safeguarding@1st2achieve.co.uk, 0330 165 5099
The Company shall designate two Senior Leaders/Managers responsible for Safeguarding, Learner Protection and Welfare who have received appropriate Level 4 training or are working towards a Level 4 qualification and support for this role. The Designated Senior Leaders/Managers will be responsible for recording an allegation or reported incident and will be responsible for contacting the local safeguarding board if necessary.
Every member of staff (including temporary, governors and volunteers) and appropriate partners (Prime Funders, Referral Agencies and Employers) shall be briefed on the name and contact arrangements of the designated senior people responsible for Safeguarding Learner Protection and Welfare and their role. Currently, these people are Michelle Edwards, Head of Quality & Curriculum, and Kelly McKeon, AEB Operations Team Leader.
All staff shall undergo a formal briefing at an induction in responding to potential indicators of abuse, neglect, harmful behaviours, and safeguarding concerns among learners. They will complete the Level 2 Safeguarding Children qualification and the Level 2 Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults qualification within their first week of employment. The training is provided by an external company, CPD Online (The training will be renewed every two years or sooner if guidance/legislation is amended).
We shall ensure that within the cohort, parents/guardians understand the responsibility placed on 1st2 Achieve Training and its staff for Safeguarding Learner Protection and Welfare, setting out its obligations within the Learner PowerPoint and Induction programme. 1st2 Achieve Training shall notify the designated support services and interagency networks if there is an unexplained absence of more than two days of a learner who is on the protection register. Effective links between 1st2 Achieve Training and all relevant agencies shall be maintained, and full cooperation shall be afforded to all parties on enquiries regarding Safeguarding, Learner Protection and Welfare matters, including attendance at case conferences.
A copy of the blank Safeguarding Incident Report Form is located on our Staff Intranet (Appendix C) for those employed by 1st2 Achieve Training to complete and submit to the designated safeguarding officer. A learner, employer or family member can also complete a Safeguarding Concern Form located on the website (Appendix D) to raise a concern, which will be investigated by one of the three designated safeguarding officers.
Written records shall be held securely, separate from the main learner administration file, on the Senior Leadership Team's OneDrive folder, which authorised personnel only can access and is password protected. All data will be held in line with the requirements of the GDPR Act 2018.
The Designated Safeguarding Lead, Michelle Edwards, shall establish contact with local Safeguarding Partners to determine their safeguarding 'alert' procedure and point of contact and record this information within the Safeguarding Policy Useful Contacts Appendix A. 1st2 Achieve Training shall follow standard procedures where an allegation is made against any person, service provider or member of staff.
A young person is defined as a person/s under the age of 18 (The Children Act 2004). A vulnerable adult is a person over the age of 18 whose ability to protect themselves from violence, abuse or neglect is significantly impaired through physical or mental disability or illness, through old age or otherwise.
Child Protection – Scope of Procedure Definition – a child or young person under the age of 18.
What is or may be happening to a child or young person in an organisation. What is or may be happening outside that organisation (for instance, in their own family).
· Concerns may be about the behaviour of: A member of staff; A service provider; or A peer/family member. The actions or inactions taken/not taken regarding the risk to a child or young person. Any member of staff receiving such information in all circumstances must respond under the following procedure – DO NOT INVESTIGATE ANY CASE YOURSELF.
Immediate action to take if, as an employee of 1st2 Achieve Training, you observe abuse taking place within the employer training network or training programme.
Do all you can to stop the abuse immediately without putting yourself, the child, or the young person at undue risk.
Inform the perpetrator of your concerns and advise them to stop and ask them to move themselves to an area where there is no contact with children and young persons. Advise them that you will immediately be informing the Senior Person on-site. If the perpetrator fails to desist – call for assistance. If the perpetrator does cease – stay with the child or young person until you can transfer them to the care of another responsible adult. Inform the Senior Person on site of what you have seen.
Write notes on what you have seen, who did what, what was said and what you did, including the date, time and location, name of the perpetrator, and name of the child or young person; sign and date your notes. Report the incident immediately to your Safeguarding Contact, who is responsible for Safeguarding Learner Protection and Welfare. The Senior Person will, after discussion, decide whether the concerns should be referred to social services following the local child/safeguarding protection 'alert' procedure. The Senior Person will inform all parties within the employer organisation of the action taken.
Immediate action to take if, as an employee of 1st2 Achieve Training, you receive an allegation of harm to a child or young person taking place within the employer training network or training programme.
If you are in direct contact with the person raising the concern, for instance, through a telephone call or discussion: Do not promise confidentiality. Explain what will happen next and assure them that you will only tell those you have to tell to try and get the matter dealt with as soon as possible.
Avoid asking leading questions. Ask only what you need to know. Details of the allegation. – Name, DOB and address of the child or young person.
Think about the immediate risk to the child or young person and what can be done to minimise the immediate risks. – Take notes of what has been said. – Don't at this stage tell the person who is the subject of an allegation what you have been told.
Report the incident immediately to your Safeguarding Contact, informing the Senior Person responsible for Safeguarding Learner Protection and Welfare. After discussion, the Senior Person will decide whether the concerns should be referred to social services following the local child/safeguarding protection 'alert' procedure. The Senior Person will inform all parties within the employer organisation of the action taken.
If you are not in direct contact with the person raising the concern, for instance, if you have received a letter or email:
Retain any written records, including emails and letters. Don't, at this stage, tell the person who is the subject of an allegation what you have been told.
Report the incident immediately to your Safeguarding Contact, informing the Senior Person responsible for Safeguarding Learner Protection and Welfare. After discussion, the Senior Person will decide whether the concerns should be referred to social services following the local child/safeguarding protection 'alert' procedure. The Senior Person will inform all parties within the employer organisation of the action taken.
Allegations about an employee of 1st2 Achieve Training, Sub-Contractors or Co-workers. Any member of staff receiving such information in all circumstances must respond per the following procedure – DO NOT INVESTIGATE ANY CASE YOURSELF.
Immediate action to take if you receive an allegation about an employee of 1ST2 Achieve, Sub-Contractor or Co-Worker. Report the incident immediately to the Senior Person/s responsible for Safeguarding Learner Protection and Welfare. The Senior Person/s will liaise with the Quality and Standards Board to coordinate decisions and any actions to be taken, including any referral to the child/independent safeguarding protection authority. Actions will be implemented by invoking the standard procedure.
Allegations against staff meet the guidelines, which talk about low level concerns and linking to the staff code of conduct, safeguarding policies and recording and sharing information with relevant parties. Low level concerns were revised to align against ‘what to do in the event of safeguarding concerns about another member of staff.
Following any information raising concern, the Designated Safeguarding Lead will consider:
Any urgent medical needs of the child/vulnerable adult.
The immediate safety and well-being of the child/vulnerable adult.
Discussing the matter with other agencies currently known to be involved with the child/vulnerable adult and family.
The child/vulnerable adult’s wishes and feelings.
The DSL will then decide:
Wherever possible, to talk to parents, unless doing so may place a child/vulnerable at risk of significant harm, impede any police investigation and/or place the member of staff or others at risk.
Whether to make a child/vulnerable adult protection referral to a Safeguarding Board because a child/vulnerable adult is suffering or is likely to suffer significant harm and if this needs to be undertaken immediately.
Not to make a referral at this stage.
If further monitoring is necessary.
If it would be appropriate to invite the parent or carer to engage with a Multi-agency group meeting and/or make a referral for other services.
All information and actions taken, including the reasons for any decisions made, will be documented on the safeguarding incident log. The Designated Safeguarding Lead is not responsible for dealing with allegations made against members of staff. This is the responsibility of the Managing Director who will inform the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO).
Low level concerns reported to the Managing Director should be shared with the safeguarding lead if the concern is deemed not to meet LADO threshold of harm. The DSL will keep a record of these concerns in order to be able to identify a pattern of behaviour – these concerns should not be contained in the employee’s file.
Scope of Procedure Definition – someone over the age of 18 years who:
Is or may need community care services by reason of mental or other disability, age, or illness Is or may need additional support through learning difficulties.
Is or may be unable to take care of him or herself or unable to protect him or herself against significant harm or exploitation.
Physical abuse.
Sexual abuse.
Psychological abuse.
Financial or material abuse.
Neglect or acts of omission.
Discriminatory abuse.
Concerns may be about the behaviour of:
A member of staff.
A provider of a service.
A peer/family member.
The principles for staff in identifying and responding to incidents of concern relating to adults are the same as those for children and young persons. In most cases, the same process and guidance in the sections will need to be followed.
At 1st2 Achieve Training, we are a direct Prime funder for Skills Bootcamp Construction and a sub-contractor to three Prime Funders and deliver Skills Bootcamp, and AEB funding provisions for Level 2 and Level 3 NVQ Construction qualifications. A news article released in 2021 identified that construction workers are over three times the national average to commit suicide. The organisation Papyrus – Prevention of Young Suicide also reports that suicide is the single most significant factor in the death rate for the under 35’s in the UK. They are campaigning for a change in the law to provide more support for young people. Along with our other learners who may be susceptible to mental health issues and the ongoing impact of COVID-19, we have a suicidal disclosure process in place.
From the 1st of May 2023, all employees of 1st2 Achieve Training will be required to complete the Suicide Awareness Training provided by Zero Suicide Alliance (https://www.zerosuicidealliance.com/suicide-awareness-training ). They will achieve this by the 30th of June 2023.
All new staff, volunteers, contractors, governors, etc., will be required to complete the training within 2 weeks of their start date at 1st2 Achieve Training. They will have a robust understanding of suicide, suicide prevention, early intervention, and suicide postvention by completing the course. We will also have two qualified Mental Health First Aiders at any given time to support our team in dealing with mental health concerns and learner suicidal disclosures. Our current first aiders are Linda Howard (linda@12achieve.co.uk) and Chloe McNally
Based on their needs, all staff will be offered refresher opportunities after their first-course attendance every three years.
Training will contain comprehensive health and wellness information, including emotional, behavioural, and social skills development. The courses are CPD certified. Staff are taught not to make promises of confidence when they are concerned about a peer or significant other concerning suicide (or self-harm).
Staff, employers, and learners who need intervention will be referred to qualified Mental Health First Aiders.
All staff are responsible for safeguarding the health and safety of learners and colleagues. All staff are expected to exercise sound professional judgment, err on the side of caution and demonstrate extreme sensitivity throughout any crisis situation. Any staff member who is made initially aware of any threat or witnesses any attempt towards suicide or self-harm (see Appendix B) that is written, drawn, spoken or threatened will immediately notify the person responsible for Safeguarding (Michelle Edwards). Any threat in any form must be treated as real and dealt with immediately. No suicidal person should be left alone, nor cconfidence promised. Thus, in cases of a life-threatening situation, a person’s confidentiality will be waivered.
Threat Definition – A suicide threat is a verbal or non-verbal communication that the individual intends to harm themself with the intention to die but has not acted on the behaviour.
The staff member who learns of the threat will locate the individual and arrange for or provide constant supervision until professional help is available. If the staff member has received their training and is a Mental Health First Aider, they may use these skills to support the person and keep them ‘safe for now’.
If the person at risk is an employee, learner or visitor, a member of the Safeguarding Team will contact the person’s emergency contact, e.g., partner, parent, carer, or other.
Suicidal Act or Attempt Definition – Suicidal act (also referred to as a suicide attempt) is – a potentially self-injurious behaviour for which there is evidence that the person probably intended to kill themself; a suicidal act may result in death, injuries, or no injuries.
The first staff member on the scene must call for help from another staff member, locate the individual where possible (if over the telephone), and contact emergency services at 999. The crisis situation must then be reported to the DSL, DDSL and ot DSO. Staff members should move (verbally, not physically) all other persons out of the immediate area and arrange appropriate supervision if needed. Others should not be allowed to observe the scene.
The DSO will promptly follow up with any staff who might have witnessed the attempt. Appropriate support and/or professional help will be sought if required. Should the staff member choose to decline immediate support, they will be monitored for signs of post-trauma and re-offered support as and when needed. Support may include but is not exclusive to: MHFA, therapy, increased supervision from the line manager, or other appropriate and reasonable intervention.
Media representatives should be referred to the Director as the spokesperson.
**A review of this policy must also be undertaken following any suicide attempt or completion. **